We had the opportunity to visit Connie Cao and her beautiful permaculture garden, where we chatted about her gardening journey, love for flowers, and what inspires her.
For the uninitiated, could you share a little about yourself and your journey with your garden?
Of course! Hi, I’m Connie Cao, I’m a passionate urban permaculture gardener and author of Your Asian Veggie Patch. I’m based in Melbourne, where I grow loads of veggies, flowers, berries, fruits and herbs in my backyard using sustainable and organic gardening techniques. As a kid, I’ve always been interested in gardening, as I was just fascinated with the fact that a little black dot (seed) could become a big plant you could eat. This ‘magic’ of nature is what has kept me coming back, it’s incredible that we can grow our own food in our backyards.
Do you have a favourite flower, and what makes it special to you?
So many. My love for gardening started with growing food to eat, as I wanted to make my space productive, however it wasn’t long before I started growing just as many flowers. Turns out, growing flowers and veggies at the same time is extremely good for the veggies, as well as the insect life in your area. There are so, so many favourites but my top few that bloom in summer are:

Dahlias—there are just so many varieties! From small pom pom flowers ranging to the ones that grow flowers bigger than my head.
Zinnias—they just seem to embody a bright and cheery nature. I’m not sure what it is about them. Maybe it’s their bold, flat blooms and the way they effortlessly thrive in the garden.
Cosmos—for their wild and rambling nature. I love making my own arrangements at home and adding a few cosmos flowers here and there really makes it feel homegrown. Plus, they’re incredibly hardy, thriving even throughout dry conditions.
Dahlias are also a favourite amongst the team at Flowers Vasette; is there a particular flower that holds deep personal or cultural significance for you?
I recently added a chrysanthemum variety to my garden—the kind used for chrysanthemum tea, a favourite in China. Growing up, my parents always kept a jar of dried flowers for tea, so when I realised I could grow them here, I made space right away. Blooming in early autumn, the flowers are dried for later use—simply pop a handful in hot water and let them rehydrate and float atop your mug. It has a subtle floral flavour and is one that’s lovely to have in the evenings.
What role does sustainability have in your gardening practices, and how can others incorporate sustainable methods into their gardens?
Being sustainable wherever I can while I garden is always at the forefront of my mind and the way I’ve learnt to garden — through permaculture methods — is all about that. As much as it’s fabulous to obtain a yield for ourselves, it’s just as important to care for the soil and create a space where insects, soil life, and wildlife can thrive alongside us.
One of the key ways I practice sustainability is through composting. It’s one of the best things you can do for your garden while also reducing waste. I’ve built a solid system over time and even compost my neighbour’s food scraps. I also take a more nature-friendly approach to managing pests and diseases, focusing on strategic planting — both in timing and placement — and, sometimes, simply letting nature take its course.
For those new to gardening, what’s an easy vegetable to start planting at home?
Tough one! Well, as we are going into the cooler season, I
highly recommend growing yourself a pot of spring onions. It’s so easy to do. All you need is a bunch of spring onions from the supermarket, with the roots attached. Cut the green bits off to enjoy, and pop the bottoms into a pot of soil. Give it a bit of water and it’ll grow right in front of your eyes.
Finally, as a creative mind, can you share where you find your inspiration from?
I think inspiration can be found everywhere and anywhere, and especially in other people’s gardens. I love taking my dogs (Toro and Oakie) on a walk around the neighbourhood and often take a different route every time so I can check out what everyone else is growing.
Neighbours who are in the front yard gardening tend to love chatting about their plants so it’s a great way to meet like minded people, as well as see what grows well in your area, or find new plants to love!
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